When started in EL1. I assume I need to copy the settings from the setup of EL1 to EL2 or something.. I still would like a proper cpu init ( really bad so I might go ahead with it).
kernel initialized ROM modules: ROM: [0000000005580000,0000000005580156) config ROM: [000000000048a000,000000000048b000) core_log ROM: [0000000005634000,000000000567b5f8) init ROM: [0000000005588000,00000000056335f8) ld.lib.so ROM: [0000000000488000,0000000000489000) platform_info ROM: [0000000005581000,0000000005587260) test-log
Genode 22.11 125 MiB RAM and 64533 caps assigned to init [init -> test-log] hex range: [0e00,1680) [init -> test-log] empty hex range: [0abc0000,0abc0000) (empty!) [init -> test-log] hex range to limit: [f8,ff] [init -> test-log] invalid hex range: [f8,08) (overflow!) [init -> test-log] negative hex char: 0xfe [init -> test-log] positive hex char: 0x02 [init -> test-log] floating point: 1.70 [init -> test-log] multiarg string: "parent -> child.7" [init -> test-log] String(Hex(3)): 0x3 [init -> test-log] Very long messages: [init -> test-log -> log] 1..................................................................................2 [init -> test-log] 3.........................................................................................4 [init -> test-log] 5.........................................................................................6 [init -> test-log] [init -> test-log] Test done.