Hello Venkada,
because you are using Genode on Linux, no ISO is created. On Linux, Genode's core is just started as ordinary Linux process. To see what is going on under the hood, please take a look at the respective 'base-<platform>/run/env' file, which contains the platform-specific rules for integrating a Genode scenario into a bootable form.
If you execute a run script within a build directory configured for one of the non-Linux kernels on x86, the build system creates an ISO file at location '<build-dir>/var/run/<run-script-name>.iso'. Such an ISO file can be burned onto a CDROM, written to an USB stick (via 'dd'), or booted via Qemu. The latter is what happens automatically.
could you please tell me clear steps to compile genode source code for applying directly on hardware and linux platform . also how to generate iso to boot genode in x86 hardware. is any boot file required for those ?
With the exception of Linux, the boot files are created at '<build-dir>/var/run/<run-script-name>/'. Those files comprise the boot loader, boot-loader configuation, the kernel, and the binaries.
Regards Norman