The main theme of Genode 14.08 is the new GUI architecture that scales to modern flexible and dynamic GUIs but also maintains the strong security of the nitpicker approach. Also, the release further improves virtualization on the NOVA microhypervisor with SMP support in Seoul and networking in VirtualBox. Highlight features and improvements are
- New GUI architecture - Vastly improved nitpicker GUI server - New window manager and accompanied components - C runtime - Pluggable VFS file systems - Real-time-clock support - Jitter-based random-number generator - OpenVPN - Improved integration of Qt5 - DDE Linux updated to version 3.14.5 - NOVA microhypervisor - Kernel updated, improved timer handling - Seoul VMM: Multi-processor support - VirtualBox: Networking support - Execution on bare hardware (base-hw) - Branch prediction - New source-tree structure
More detailed information is available in the release documentation
Best regards