I have a the following code:
#include <vector>
class myClass { private: std::vectorGenode::Trace::Subject_id mSubjectList;
public: bool hasSubjectId(Genode::Trace::Subject_id aSubjectId) const { return std::find(mSubjectList.begin(), mSubjectList.end(), aSubjectId) != mSubjectList.end(); } }
If I try to compile it, I get the following error: /home/pirmin/Documents/genode/genode/contrib/stdcxx-fadf4f6ba436fe4846572f00bf057c5ef290c25b/include/stdcxx/bits/stl_algo.h:168:4: error: passing ‘const Genode::Trace::Subject_id’ as ‘this’ argument of ‘bool Genode::Trace::Subject_id::operator==(const Genode::Trace::Subject_id&)’ discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]
In base/trace/types.h the signature of the operator==() for Subject_id is defined as follows: bool operator == (Subject_id const &other) { return id == other.id; }
Shouldnt it be? bool operator == (Subject_id const &other) const { return id == other.id; }
Most recomendations on operator overloading, I have read, recommend this.
Best regards Pirmin