I am new to Genode and currently writing a program in which two
components communicate with each other over virtual ethernet. The
communication using a NIC router works completely fine if started from
the main component, but fails whenever initiated from a thread. Hereby
Error: pthread_self() called from alien thread named 'Broker Thread'
no RM attachment (READ pf_addr=0x4b8 pf_ip=0x10f62dfc from pager_object:
pd='init -> manager' thread='Broker Thread')
is thrown when the 'connect' function is called. I have tried resolving
this by simply allocating some RAM and also by initializing a sliced
heap, both to no avail. Unfortunately it is imperative for the component
to initialize a connection from within a thread. Therefore I would be
very grateful for any help regarding this issue. I have attached the
thread's code to this mail.
Kind regards,
Kevin Burton