We are pleased to announce the release 9.02 of the Genode OS
Framework. This release is focused on functional enhancements in two
directions. The first direction is broadening the number of possible
base platforms for the framework. Genode 9.02 is now available on the
L4ka::Pistachio kernel.
In the second direction, we are steadily advancing the functionality
available on top of Genode. With this release, we introduce a basic
networking facility and support for native Qt4 applications as major
new features. Thanks to Genode's portability, these features become
automatically available on all supported base platforms.
We would like to thank Julian Stecklina for his initial port of Genode
to L4ka::Pistachio and Christian Prochaska for his Qt4 library porting
Release notes for version 9.02
* Applications
* Launchpad XML configuration option
* Qt4 core and GUI library port
* OS services and drivers
* PS/2 driver scancode set 1 fixes
* Linux 2.6 device driver environment
* Networking
* Linux-based driver for AMD Pcnet32
* uIP-based example web server
* L4ka::Pistachio as new platform
* Revised malloc implementation for the C library
* Tool for ISO image creation and boot with Qemu
Read our comprehensive release notes for the version 9.02 at our
Download the release 9.02 of the Genode OS Framework from
Christian Helmuth
Genode Labs
http://www.genode-labs.com/ ยท http://genode.org/