Hack'n'Hike 2019

Martin Stein martin.stein at genode-labs.com
Mon Jan 7 20:24:33 CET 2019

Hi guys!

The Hack'n'Hike has become a fun tradition amongst the Genode
enthusiasts. Every year around May we gather in a cozy accommodation
somewhere in the beautiful nature of Saxony/Germany and mix relaxed
hacking all around Genode with refreshing outdoor activities.

This year it will be the 10th to the 13th May in Ferdinands Homestay,
Königsstein in the Saxony Switzerland. For more details and news please
see the corresponding Github issue [1]. If you have questions or
suggestions, feel free to answer this mail. If you like to join us,
please let us know before the end of February!


[1] https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/issues/2841

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