Data-abort exception while trying to boot skalk/linux imx-53 branch with genode trustzone

Abhishek Kumar abhishekkmr18 at ...9...
Wed May 31 14:25:32 CEST 2017

I am trying to run linux in normal world on genode trustzone. I have
changed the run-script of genode to copy the uImage generated from
skalk/linux's imx-53 branch instead of downloading (default). I am making
uImage with following command:

make uImage LOADADDR=0x70010000

while executing, genode stops after starting virtual machine with following
error trace:

[init] child "tz_vmm"
[init]   RAM quota:  10203136
[init]   ELF binary: tz_vmm
[init]   priority:   0
[init -> tz_vmm] Start virtual machine ...
[init -> tz_vmm] Cpu state:
[init -> tz_vmm]   Register     Virt     Phys
[init -> tz_vmm] ---------------------------------
[init -> tz_vmm]   r0         = 07000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r1         = f801ff50 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r2         = ffffffe4 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r3         = 40002000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r4         = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r5         = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r6         = 000000ee [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r7         = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r8         = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r9         = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r10        = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r11        = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   r12        = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   sp         = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   lr         = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   ip         = 0040dfe8 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   cpsr       = 60000093
[init -> tz_vmm]   sp_und     = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   lr_und     = 8000800c [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   spsr_und   = 00000093 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   sp_svc     = f801ff4c [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   lr_svc     = 0040bc97 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   spsr_svc   = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   sp_abt     = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   lr_abt     = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   spsr_abt   = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   sp_irq     = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   lr_irq     = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   spsr_irq   = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   sp_fiq     = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   lr_fiq     = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   spsr_fiq   = 00000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   ttbr0      = 00000000
[init -> tz_vmm]   ttbr1      = 00000000
[init -> tz_vmm]   ttbrc      = 00000000
[init -> tz_vmm]   dfar       = 07000000 [00000000]
[init -> tz_vmm]   exception  = data_abort
[init -> tz_vmm] Could not handle data-abort will exit!


Initially I thought I might be giving wrong load address while making
uImage, but it seems problem is not that. Can someone help me with what
might be possibly going wrong?

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