Data-abort exception while trying to boot skalk/linux imx-53 branch with genode trustzone

Stefan Kalkowski stefan.kalkowski at ...1...
Wed May 31 14:57:33 CEST 2017


On 05/31/2017 02:25 PM, Abhishek Kumar wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to run linux in normal world on genode trustzone. I have
> changed the run-script of genode to copy the uImage generated from
> skalk/linux's imx-53 branch instead of downloading (default). I am
> making uImage with following command:
> make uImage LOADADDR=0x70010000

You are trying to relocate the Linux kernel within the memory portion
that is used by the secure world (Genode). The secure RAM is from
0x70000000 to  0x7fffffff. Please follow these instructions to build the
guest kernel on your own, like referenced within the tz_vmm run-script:


> while executing, genode stops after starting virtual machine with
> following error trace:
> ```
> .
> .
> [init] child "tz_vmm"
> [init]   RAM quota:  10203136
> [init]   ELF binary: tz_vmm
> [init]   priority:   0
> [init -> tz_vmm] Start virtual machine ...
> [init -> tz_vmm] Cpu state:
> [init -> tz_vmm]   Register     Virt     Phys
> [init -> tz_vmm] ---------------------------------
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r0         = 07000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r1         = f801ff50 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r2         = ffffffe4 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r3         = 40002000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r4         = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r5         = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r6         = 000000ee [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r7         = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r8         = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r9         = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r10        = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r11        = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   r12        = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   sp         = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   lr         = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   ip         = 0040dfe8 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   cpsr       = 60000093
> [init -> tz_vmm]   sp_und     = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   lr_und     = 8000800c [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   spsr_und   = 00000093 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   sp_svc     = f801ff4c [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   lr_svc     = 0040bc97 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   spsr_svc   = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   sp_abt     = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   lr_abt     = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   spsr_abt   = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   sp_irq     = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   lr_irq     = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   spsr_irq   = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   sp_fiq     = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   lr_fiq     = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   spsr_fiq   = 00000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   ttbr0      = 00000000
> [init -> tz_vmm]   ttbr1      = 00000000
> [init -> tz_vmm]   ttbrc      = 00000000
> [init -> tz_vmm]   dfar       = 07000000 [00000000]
> [init -> tz_vmm]   exception  = data_abort
> [init -> tz_vmm] Could not handle data-abort will exit!
> ```
> Initially I thought I might be giving wrong load address while making
> uImage, but it seems problem is not that. Can someone help me with what
> might be possibly going wrong?
> Thanks
> Abhishek
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Stefan Kalkowski
Genode Labs ยท

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