Running demo on Virtualbox

Paulo alfred300p at ...9...
Wed Feb 10 17:30:24 CET 2016

Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for the feedback.

> Currently Genode outputs some error messages that might be misleading,
> but are necessary for us developers. "Quota exceeded!" is one of them.
> This means the configured component or program memory quota in Genode's
> 'config' file does not suffice, such a program will then ask its parent
> (in this case 'init') for more memory, which is successful in your case
> ('upgrading quota donation').

Ok, I didn't notice the "upgrading quota", that does make sense.

> One can configure 'fb_sdl' via a ROM file and there are many ways to
> provide one. Nevertheless, this 'config' is not mandatory and 'fb_sdl'
> will also function without it. So, I can see no problems in the Log you
> provided. Therefore, I will attach a working output. Please let me know
> at what point your output differs. Also, what Linux version are you
> using in your VirtualBox setup? Information about the distribution,
> kernel version, and if it is 32 or 64 bit helps us a lot.
> > Also, I can't seem to find instructions for building an ISO. Is that
> > possible?
> Yes, add '--include image/iso' to the 'RUN_OPT' variable in
> <your-builddir>/etc/build.conf The ISO will in your case be located under
> <your-builddir>/var/run/demo.iso

I'm using ubuntu 15.10 (I didn't see the suggestion to use an LTS
version in time). I'm using the 15-05 genode fundations pdf as a
guide, particularly page 27. I probably need to read some more to get
a better grasp of some concepts, but meanwhile please bear with me. I

./tool/ports/prepare_port nova && ./tool/ports/prepare_port x86emu
./tool/create_builddir nova_x86_64 &&  cd build/nova_x86_64
sed -r 's/^#(REPOSITORIES.*libports)/\1/g' -i etc/build.conf
(cd ../../repos/libports && make prepare) # as suggested on etc/build.conf
make run/demo

The iso file is created at this point, and I'm able to boot the VM
with it and see the demo in action, but qemu refuses to run (please
see the attached full  output), because:

spawn qemu-system-x86_64 -no-kvm -cpu core2duo -m 256 -serial
mon:stdio -cdrom var/run/demo.iso
Could not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting

What is the "No available video device" about? I can do `startx` and
get lxde running, so I don't think it's a virtualbox "hardware" issue.
What step am I missing?

By the way, the `make prepare` for libports is only suggested in
etc/build.conf; it might be helpful to include it on the instructions
for the "simple system scenario" on the book.
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