Port OpenDDS to Genode

Roger Ferreira rogerdff at ...16...
Wed May 20 12:45:59 CEST 2015

Ok, I will see how far I can go and then I share on GitHub.
> Once you arrive at a point where you get stuck and seek practical
> assistance, sharing your branch would be most effective way to allow us
> reproducing your problem.

Ok, If I find something relevant that I needed to do that is not covered or clear enough here I will let you know.
> Is the Section 5.3 "Build system" of the forthcoming documentation [1]
> able to clear things up? If not, I am keen to know what information you
> find missing.
> Please refer to Section 5.5.2. "Development practice" of the
> soon-to-be-published documentation [1].
> [1]
> http://genode.org/files/53bcb8e33fe6602fed25edc3c7b922c5/manual-2015-04-27.pdf

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