Documentation - request for feedback

Norman Feske norman.feske at ...1...
Sat Mar 7 13:32:34 CET 2015

Thank you for the encouraging words! :-)


On 03/06/2015 04:42 PM, Johannes Schlatow wrote:
> Norman,
> I didn't have a deep look into the manual yet. However, I want to point that *I highly appreciate your work and effort you've already put into this*. Not to mention the work and efforts of all the people that are and have been involved with the coding of Genode in general: *Thanks a lot and keep on with it!*
> Don't get me wrong: I don't think you require a motivational speech. I just wanna be sure you know that your work is being appreciated.
> That being said: Have a nice weekend.
> Cheers
>  Johannes

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