Couple minor notes after upgrading to 23.02

ttcoder at ttcoder at
Fri Jun 30 17:41:56 CEST 2023

> > * vfs_pipe: components that use the "pipe" plug-in should make sure to 
> enable RTC (<libc rtc="/dev/rtc"...>)
> > as of 23.02 -- previously it would work without specifying an RTC path. 

> This made me curios because the nightly tests [1,2] for the vfs_pipe 
> plugin do in fact not configure the rtc for the libc, yet are known to work.

> There is one suspicion: The VFS changes in 23.02 foster the batching of 
> I/O in the file-system session. When operating both sides of a pipe 
> completed write operation - we end up in a deadlock situation. May this 
> be the case in your scenario?
> In practice, such situations don't occur whenever both ends of one pipe 
> are operated by different components - each using a distinct file-system 
> session. But when interacting with a pipe behind a chain of VFS servers, 
> stalling effects are plausible. But as I said, I'm just speculating.
> Should you by any chance find a way to come up with a run script that 
> shows the non-working behavior, I'd love to investigate it.

Just filed ticket #4951
Although... Now that we've discussed it, I see that:
1) it's a cross-component issue, in my case, which might rule out the intra-component deadlock you describe
2) it's not a deadlock anyhow, but a problem whereby write() always returns -1, it won't work no matter what I throw at it.

But the ticket is there if you still think it's worth investigating,


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