Regarding ARM on Genode virt_qemu_arm_v8a

Martin Stein martin.stein at
Tue Feb 7 15:43:35 CET 2023

Hi Divya,

As a further notice, there is also the alternative way of providing the
event_filter config statically (instead of the dynamic way via the

In order for this to work you'd need an individual *.sculpt file for
your platform (see [1] and [2] for how this works). In this file you can
then reference your static event_filter config file, like it is done in
[3] (the corresponding config file is [4]).


[1] repos/gems/run/ -> sculpt_path
[3] repos/allwinner/sculpt/phone-pinephone.sculpt -> event_filter: phone
[4] repos/allwinner/sculpt/event_filter/phone

On 07.02.23 15:15, Martin Stein wrote:
> Hi Divya,
> Your drivers seem to come up fine, but your event filter (the server for
> filtering and multiplexing your input events) indicates that it cannot
> accept the sessions that the drivers are trying to create [3] because
> you didn't configure event_filter appropriately. However, the config for
> the event_filter is normally created dynamically by the sculpt_manager
> component. Please run [6] to see where this happens. Together with [1]
> and [2] you could then fix the event_filter config in the sculpt_manager.
> The same way you can find a solution for [4], which is also due to bad
> event_filter configuration.
> Finally, [5] is because you need some server to provide a numlock.remap
> file to the event_filter. I assume that your drivers config is simply
> missing the numlock_remap_rom server that you can find, for instance,
> also in [7].
> IMO, you're not going the wrong way. You simply are going a way that is
> not officially supported yet and therefore needs some effort and insight
> in order to work ;)
> I hope this helps?
> Cheers,
> Martin
> [1]
> repos/os/recipes/raw/drivers_interactive-virt_qemu_arm/event_filter.config
> [2] repos/os/src/server/event_filter/README
> [3]
> [init -> drivers -> event_filter] Warning: no policy defined for label
> 'keyboard'
> [init -> drivers -> event_filter] Warning: no policy defined for label
> 'mouse'
> [4]
> [init -> drivers -> event_filter] Warning: invalid <output> configuration
> [5]
> [init -> drivers -> event_filter] Error: ROM-session creation failed
> (ram_quota=6144, cap_quota=3, label="numlock.remap")
> [init -> drivers -> event_filter] Error: Could not open ROM session for
> "numlock.remap"
> [6] grep -r "event_filter" repos/gems/src/app/sculpt_manager/
> [7] repos/allwinner/sculpt/drivers/pinephone

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