ASAP Please Help me After Hello World in Genode

Nuri Başçay bynuribascay at
Tue Aug 10 10:13:44 CEST 2021

  Hello Developers,

I'm an intern student and my boss wants me to learn genode.

Finally I installed Genode on Ubuntu and made a Hello World example thanks
to your community and genode documentation.

However, I think that I need some more hints  to go further.

I want to be a genode developer but I don't know how to program in genode
or sculpt os like in c++( Genode uses C++ as I know)

I mean how to run c++ code in genode or sculpt?

I would like to ask you kindly, How can I start programming and
develop myself? (That means going one step further than hello world, maybe
antoter basic example to run and compile by genode sculpt)

Please, Answer the mail as simple as possible and sorry for my bad English.

I'm looking forward to your reply.

Thank you.
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