Translators for the Wikipedia article

Martin Stein martin.stein at
Wed Mar 20 12:46:29 CET 2019

Hello Genodians!

I'm very interested in expanding the set of available languages for the
Wikipedia article about Genode. Currently, the article is available in
Russian [1], English [2], German [3], and Spanish [4]. The russian
article is a version on its own while all the other articles are
translations of the english version.

Unfortunately, I don't speak as many languages as I wish to see in the
above list but have had a fun time when working on the german and
spanish articles. This is why I'd kindly invite everyone who'd like to
contribute a little bit to the Genode project on a voluntary basis and
whose native (or well-known second) language is still missing in the list.

I'd like to propose the following if you're thinking about a contribution:

* If you like, we could work together on it remotely. As long as it is
at least a latin-alphabet language and you're planning to translate the
english version, I feel capable to carry the transition of your plain
text translation to a Wikipedia article with an infobox, images,
references, and crosslinks.

* Maybe you're also participating in the Hack'n'Hike gathering in May
[5]? Then, we could meet there and collaborate. Let me know about it ;)

* Of course, you can even do it all on your own. In this case, don't
hesitate to mail me any questions that are coming up!

I'm looking forward to hear from you!



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