Genode Corner

Martin Stein martin.stein at
Mon Apr 8 18:28:03 CEST 2019

Hi John,

El 8/4/19 a las 4:42, John J. Karcher escribió:
> Over the last week or so, I slapped together a quick web page I am
> calling "Genode Corner", which is an attempt at a very simple community
> site for Genode users:
> Don't expect much.  I am not a real web designer, and there is no
> interactivity at this stage.  (It is generated from static XML files
> using client-side JavaScript.)  And there is very little data to start.
> The point of it is to collect some useful information in one place for
> easy reference.  For instance, I implemented my own feature request of
> "sticky" articles.  ;^)

To me this looks really cool. I think it achieves the goals you
mentioned very well.

> Let me know if anyone sees any value in it.  I am considering putting
> together a simple back-end, using a real database, which could
> eventually allow interactivity.  But the effort I put into it will
> probably be proportional to the amount of interest.
I think it would be a good addition to the genodians site that serves
more as a place for detailed examinations of specific topics.


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