Any genodians attending SHA2017?

Guido Witmond guido at ...231...
Fri Jul 28 16:08:53 CEST 2017

On 28-7-17 1:14, Jean-Philippe Ouellet wrote:
> Hello all,
> Long time lurker, first time poster.
> I will be attending SHA2017 [1] next week to give a talk about Qubes
> OS [2]. I see there was at least some mention of SHA among you [3], so
> perhaps some Genode people plan to attend?

Hi Jean-Philippe,

I'll be there. Also giving a talk but on Eccentric Authentication [1].

As for my work with Genode, I've build and ran a very simple (but 
secure) web-server on Fiasco OC kernel on my server. I haven't diagnosed 
the memory / file descriptor / other leak that hang it after a while.

Perhaps we can meet.

Regards, Guido.


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