service router

Emery emery at ...261...
Thu Mar 17 10:51:47 CET 2016

Which services are you interested in routing?
Depending on the service it may be simplier to manage with proxies.


On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 12:39:52AM -0600, Nobody III wrote:
> I've been trying to implement my own service router, to make dynamic
> configuration easier. However, I'm struggling to find a way to request
> services with only a label and a service name and provide them when a
> service is requested. I've looked at the init code, but I'm trying to allow
> the server to provide services to siblings, which complicates things. Could
> somebody please give me some pointers? I suspect that I may need to extend
> Genode::Root to provide different services/capabilities according the the
> router's policy. Am I correct? I haven't quite been able to piece together
> how capability/session requests are resolved.
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