Roadmap 2017

Johannes Schlatow schlatow at ...238...
Fri Dec 23 12:28:34 CET 2016

Thanks, Norman, for sharing and starting the 'discussion'. Here are a few comments from my perspective:

1) I like the idea of the multi-component email application. Let me be a bit more visionary and extend this to a post-2017 scope:
I am running my own mailserver (Kolab) for quite some years now. The reason once was (and still is) to protect my privacy. Sure, end-to-end encryption would also be a solution but has quite some drawbacks on the usability side. It appeals to me that running a multi-component mailserver on a Genode system could improve the security of those systems quite a bit. I believe Genode's component-based architecture already reflects the way emails are processed on current 'legacy' systems but provides better isolation and separation. Of course this would be a huge undertaking but I'd like to keep this in the back of my mind for the future beyond 2017.

2) @Christian: Thumbs up for the tiling window manager ;-)

3) About my goals:
  a) There will (hopefully) be some improvements for the Zynq-7000 (HDMI support, NIC performance issues).
  b) In addition, as you might know, we are investigating model-based methods for auto-configuration in a far wider scope that the typical Genode applications. However, I'd like to extract the essential mechanisms to make this usable for general-purpose Genode systems. The benefit of this would be that new users don't need to care about how to setup the config, e.g., for the Turmvilla scenario. This would also address an issue that pops up with the ABI, namely (in)compatibility between different versions of component binaries.
  c) I also plan to make extensive use of the tracing framework.

Cheers and happy holidays!

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