libcrypto/openssl : Which to use

Aditya Kousik adit267.kousik at ...9...
Wed May 6 15:18:28 CEST 2015

Hello Christian,

Here's a brief summary of what I've done. The project is hosted at It's a novel Internet architecture
that is becoming quite popular.

I wrote the port file to clone the project to the contrib folder and
copy all .h files in the ndn-cxx/src folder, manually adding all folders.

Next I wrote a file in test/libports/ndn-cxx with a dummy file that adds the ndn-cxx library as LIBS.

ndn-cxx by itself has dependencies on boost libraries, libcrypto++,
libsqlite3. Sqlite3 was already present. I wrote a libboost.port
and cryptopp.port to compile before ndn-cxx, while manually adding
the required header files of boost.

Here's the commit of all changes I've done so far.

This builds libc, libm, libc_lxip, zlib, libbz2
and additionally cryptopp, boost.

I assumed since all header files concerned were put in the
contrib/crytopp-<hash>/include folder, they will be included
during compilation. I've added a line in lib/import/
to add INC_DIR as well.

I hope that establishes some ground on what I'm attempting to doHere's a
brief summary of what I've done. The project is hosted at It's a novel Internet architecture
that is becoming quite popular.

I wrote the port file to clone the project to the contrib folder and
copy all .h files in the ndn-cxx/src folder, manually adding all folders.

Next I wrote a file in test/libports/ndn-cxx with a dummy file that adds the ndn-cxx library as LIBS.

ndn-cxx by itself has dependencies on boost libraries, libcrypto++,
libsqlite3. Sqlite3 was already present. I wrote a libboost.port
and cryptopp.port to compile before ndn-cxx, while manually adding
the required header files of boost.

Here's the commit of all changes I've done so far.

This builds libc, libm, libc_lxip, zlib, libbz2
and additionally cryptopp, boost.

I assumed since all header files concerned were put in the
contrib/crytopp-<hash>/include folder, they will be included
during compilation. I've added a line in lib/import/
to add INC_DIR as well.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 3:13 AM, Christian Helmuth <
christian.helmuth at ...1...> wrote:

> Hello Aditya,
> On Wed, May 06, 2015 at 01:52:32AM -0700, Aditya Kousik wrote:
> > For some reason or the other, it throws an error saying
> > "'SeededRandom number' in namespace CryptoPP does not name a type",
> > even though it is present in the header file.
> To be honest, I see no chance to help you identifying the cause of
> this compilation error without the sources or at least the relevant
> parts of your build log. Does the compiler also warn about other stuff
> like missing include files?
> Regards
> --
> Christian Helmuth
> Genode Labs
> ·
> · /ˈdʒiː.nəʊd/
> Genode Labs GmbH · Amtsgericht Dresden · HRB 28424 · Sitz Dresden
> Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske, Christian Helmuth
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