libcrypto/openssl : Which to use

Aditya Kousik adit267.kousik at ...9...
Wed May 6 10:52:32 CEST 2015

Thanks for the clarification Josef. But it turns out the application had a
dependency specifically on <cryptopp/*>. So I went ahead and ported it.
Barring some test files which were thrown undefined references, I was able
to build the library. So far, so good.

But, here is the problem. I filled the directories of cryptopp include, and
the new library (it's called ndn-cxx) I'm porting has its dependency in
this crypto++ lib. I've added it to the LIBS of ndn-cxx. One of the files
called random.cpp #includes a list of <cryptopp/*> header files, which
defines a set of SeededRandom number classes. For some reason or the other,
it throws an error saying "'SeededRandom number' in namespace CryptoPP does
not name a type", even though it is present in the header file.

A similar error happens when I try to compile the files without specifying
the $(notdir ...) option in the .mk file of lib/mk of ndn-cxx. Any ideas
will help, because I'm very nearly done with the port and I'm out of ideas.
Sorry if it seems like a bit of a rant.

Thanks and regards

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 1:10 AM, Josef Söntgen <
josef.soentgen at ...1...> wrote:

> Hello Aditya,
> * Aditya Kousik <adit267.kousik at ...9...> [2015-05-05 11:45:29 -0700]:
> > To use libcrypto++, I found online that openssl will suffice. But while
> > there is a port file for both libraries, there's no in
> lib/mk.
> > Grepping the mk files I saw a line in which calls
> > select_from_ports,openssl. So, is it the case that we prepare_port for
> > openssl but add LIBS += libcrypto in our files?
> Yes, libcrypto as well as libssl are part of OpenSSL, so you have to
> prepare it when you want to use one of these libraries.
> Regards
> Josef
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