Genode doesn't see init when booting from grub2 on hard drive

Christian Menard christian.menard at ...104...
Fri Nov 7 12:47:03 CET 2014


this seems to be solved by installing grub-legacy, but maybe this is also 
interesting for others.

Booting from hard disk via Grub2 works fine for me. I wrote a small script that 
generates Grub2 entries from the menu.lst file. It creates a file 
$build/var/run/$name/40_custom that can be copied to /etc/grub.d/. I attached 
the script and an example entry for the demo scenario to this mail. My script 
is specific for Nova, but adoption should be easy. 

All best

On Sunday 02 November 2014 01:29:52 Nobody III wrote:
> I've installed Genode on a partition on my hard drive, and configured Grub2
> to boot it. However, Genode cannot find the ROM module "init". I configured
> Grub2 correctly--I used multiboot and added all the modules, including
> init. Note that I can boot from a cd with no problems besides graphics
> issues. I don't see any reason for the error besides Grub2 loading the
> modules differently. Is there any fix to make Genode compatible with Grub2?
> Could someone else try using Grub2 and see whether they get the same error?
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