
Martin Stein martin.stein at ...1...
Wed Dec 18 15:03:58 CET 2013

Hi Aditya,
> On 18.12.2013 07:56, Aditya Kousik wrote:
> Hello Martin
> On further examination, I've noticed you've added the commands to
> generate uImage in build_uboot_image in tool/run (but it doesn't
> generate the uImage in var/run/<script>).
Please see my reply to your previous mail.
> Secondly, On what basis have you filled the enumerations in
> board_base.h ? Because there are different values for pbxa9, vea9x4
> and pandaboard. I understand that every SoC might have a different
> driver implementation, but how did you get around to building one, say
> for pbxa9? Can you share some insight into the process: the use of
> mmio regions, IRQ handlers etc.?
Each of these enumerations has at least one concrete component in
base/include/drivers or base-hw/ that depends on it. Separating these
values from e.g. the device drivers came due to the fact that they do
not depend on the device specification but on the board that integrates
the device. For instance you might want to reuse the PL011 timer but
different boards integrate it with a different clock or interrupt number
(see base/include/platform/rpi/drivers/board_base.h and
base/include/platform/pbxa9/drivers/board_base.h). A board might even
integrate multiple PL011 chips with different values (see PBXA9).
> Thanks in advance
> Aditya

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