Current genode release

Stefan Kalkowski stefan.kalkowski at ...1...
Wed Jun 1 10:12:47 CEST 2011

Hi Daniel,

the convenient integration of the Fiasco.OC kernel and bootstrap tools
into the Genode build system, introduced with Genode's release 11.05,
slightly changed some build system internals.

If you want to use the unmodified kernel version, the current release is
laid out to run on top of, you have to do:

  make prepare

in the base-foc repository. This will checkout all necessary sources
from the Fiasco.OC repository. Then create a new build-directory via the
tool/builddir/create_builddir script, e.g.:

  ./tool/builddir/create_builddir foc_x86_32 \
         GENODE_DIR=`pwd` BUILD_DIR=$HOME/builds/foc-build

and run:

  make run/demo

within it. That's all.

If you want to use your own kernel, built outside of Genode's build
system, of course you can skip the preparation of the base-foc
repository, but have to state two variables in 'etc/foc.conf' in your
build system (these variable-names changed!):

  L4_BUILD_DIR = <path_to_l4re_build_dir>
  KERNEL       = <path_to_kernel_binary>

Please notice, the second variable does no longer target the
build-directory of the kernel, but the actual kernel binary. I hope that

For a complete overview, please have a look at the wiki:

Best regards

On 01.06.2011 04:02, Daniel Waddington wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> We can't compile the latest SVN pull of Genode due to some issues with
> missing base-foc/contrib/kernel/fiasco.  Can you please tell me what the
> dir structure should be and what it should contain - and check
> everything is their for the build.
> Thanks
> Daniel
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Stefan Kalkowski
Genode Labs ·

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Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske, Christian Helmuth

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