Question regarding parent capabilities

Steffen Liebergeld steffen at ...37...
Wed Jun 9 13:17:56 CEST 2010


for my porting efforts, I need to map the physical parent Capability
into the protection domain of a newly created Child. To do so, I
extended the Cpu_session with a method "native_thread", which --given a
Genode::Capability-- will tell me the "physical" Capability of a thread.
I map the parent capability into a known place of the child address
space using the assign_parent method of Platform_pd. Unfortunately at
this point I am stuck. Can you give me some advice on where
assign_parent is called and how I can provide it with the correct
capability (as my tries of implementing that in Process::Process have

Many thanks in advance,
Dipl.-Inf. Steffen Liebergeld <steffen at ...37...>
Security in Telecommunications
TU Berlin/ Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin
Phone: +30 8353 58 263

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