genode show-and-tell, screencast to help with vbox6 challenges?

Dan Connolly dckc at
Tue Jan 10 00:26:03 CET 2023

On Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 8:49 AM Norman Feske
<norman.feske at> wrote:
> I'm entirely with you. Sculpt is an example of what one can build out of
> Genode's building blocks, similar to how the fire department is an
> example of what one can build with Lego. The fact that the fire
> department is available as a kit that comes with nice build instructions
> does not mean that Lego can only be used in fire-fighting scenarios. It
> happens to be useful for ice-cream stands and pirate islands just as well.


That's way too good to let disappear into the email archives.
You/we really should make some cartoons out of that and get them on
the Genode web site :)

Dan Connolly

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