Building a computer to run sculpt

Pirmin Duss pirmin at
Thu Apr 28 08:37:07 CEST 2022

Hello Josef

Many thanks for your quick response.

On 4/26/22 11:18, Josef Söntgen wrote:
> Hello Pirmin,
> Briefly skimming the components I don't see any immediate pitfalls.
> (With regard to AMT, on a desktop system using a PCIe serial card or - if
> available - an onboard COM header works equally well in case you are
> mainly interested in serial output. That broadens the choices somewhat.)

The idea of using a serial card is a great relief, because then I can 
choose a mainboard which supports two graphics cards.

While browsing the available mainboards I realized that they also 
support 11th generation. Is there a chance that I could use an 11th 
generation CPU, they are currently a tiny bit cheaper.

Regards Pirmin

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