Hello from RK3399! (including odd debug messages!)

Michael Grunditz michael.grunditz at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 11:52:43 CET 2020

On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 at 08:16, Christian Helmuth
<christian.helmuth at genode-labs.com> wrote:
> Hello Michael,
> Awesome you made it in just a few days and with limited remote help
> only. Kudos!

It was Stefans help that got it to start working. I know the soc quite
well , but is a complete noob on Genode kernel.

> Wish you luck with your "backup plan" for RiscOS ;-)

I hope it will work. I tried my testcode on the rk3399 yesterday , and
got pagefaults for every call to c/c++ from assembler.
Without those calls , it ran well. If calling the function is
impossible I need to find a new way. I was hoping to be able to
access Genode facilities in that way.

The best thing right now is that I have learnt the bootup of kernel
works. If my project is a success I will need to port Genode
to new non aarch32 compatible cores, when they arrive.


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