Deadlock in combination with pthread, lwip and grpc

Sid Hussmann sid.hussmann at
Fri May 22 15:22:15 CEST 2020

Hey Christian,

On 5/22/20 2:46 PM, Christian Helmuth wrote:
> Thanks for the binary, but as long as netcat is reasonable I'll stay
> with it. If the issue can be reproduced completely without gRPC on
> both ends then we have not to look into its complexity. I'm even
> thinking about replacing netcat by hping3 if this helps.

I have to admit, I currently mis-use the gRPC client as a fuzzy-test that I can reproduce my "deadlock" problem. I'd very much appreciate a script I can use with standard Linux tools, that reproduces the deadlock. If you have a hping3 script I can use, I'm very happy to switch!


Sid Hussmann
CTO & Founder
gapfruit AG
Baarerstrasse 135
6300 Zug - Switzerland
sid.hussmann at

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