Warning and Error while running on QEMU.

Shlomo Pongratz shlomopongratz at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 14:38:25 CEST 2020


While running sculpt-20.02 on QEMU according to the instructions from 


qemu-system-x86_64 -display sdl -cpu core2duo -machine q35 \
                     -m 1024 -drive format=raw,file=sculpt-20.02.img

I've noticed the following warning and error:

[init] Warning: runtime assigned RAM (32G) exceeds available RAM (659914929)
[init] Error: RAM preservation exceeds available memory

The maximum amount I can give the QEMU is 8G, is there anyway one can 
lower the memory requirement for a prebuild image?

Best regards,


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