Virtualbox seems to crash in Sculpt

Lonnie Cumberland lonnie at
Thu Apr 9 19:42:33 CEST 2020

Hi All,

I think that I have been able to make some progress on my attempts to get
virtualbox started up underSculpt by following the directions:

Now I get what appears as a crash when I tell it to add the component.

[image: image.png]

I found it a bit easier to use Qemu (kvm) instead of VirtualBox on my
Debian Host.

The Qemu (kvm) invocation on my Debian system is:

$kvm -smp 2 -cpu core2duo -machine q35 -m 10096 -drive
format=raw,file=genode/build/x86_64/var/run/sculpt.img -netdev
user,id=vlan0 -net nic,model=e1000,netdev=vlan0

I had to up the RAM  to about 10GB as it seemed that in an earlier attempt
while viewing the Sculpt log that virtualbox needed 8GB and at least now,
it does not crash out due to lack of RAM which is a small step forward.

Any ideas?
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