Errors when adding part_blk to sculpt scenario

Boris Mulder boris.mulder at
Tue May 15 12:25:42 CEST 2018

On 15-05-18 08:08, Norman Feske wrote:
 > I am not able to dive deep into it, but suspect that the
 > session-creation error is caused by the label-rewriting route. Your
 > start node relabels the block session as "default" whereas the
 > service-forwarding policy of the `drivers -> dynamic` subsystem uses "
 > default" (note the leading whitespace) [1] as policy selector, presuming
 > that sessions are prefixed with the " -> " delimiter. This is the case
 > when creating sessions from Sculpt's runtime subsystem in the unmodified
 > scenario, but not anymore in your modified scenario.
 > Could you try relabeling your block session to "part_blk -> default"
 > instead?

I changed the config to the following:

<start name="part_blk" caps="100">
     <resource name="RAM" quantum="50M"/>
     <provides><service name="Block"/></provides>
     <config use_gpt="no">
	<policy label_prefix="vfs" writeable="yes" partition="1"/>
	<policy label_prefix="blk_crypt" writeable="yes" partition="6"/>
	<service name="Block">
	    <child name="drivers" label="part_blk -> default"/>
	<any-service> <parent/> </any-service>

However, it still gives the exact same errors. Strangely, init still 
gives the warning:
[init] Warning: part_blk: could not revert session RAM quota
(service=Block cid=6 args='tx_buf_size=4194304, cap_quota=5,
label="part_blk -> ", ram_quota=4207830, diag=0' state=SERVICE_DENIED
ram_quota=4207830, cap_quota=5)

It looks like the label is not rewritten at all. changing "<service 
name="Block">" into "<service name="Block" label=""> does not do 
anything and the label inside the warning stays "part_blk -> ". Does 
this give you any clue?

Also, placing part_blk on another init which is not the runtime init 
also gives me these errors, even though the label is changed to "init -> 
part_blk -> ".


Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,

Boris Mulder

Cyber Security Labs B.V. | Gooimeer 6-31 | 1411 DD Naarden | The Netherlands
+31 35 631 3253 (office)

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