Side-channel attacks (Meltdown, Spectre)
Boris Mulder
boris.mulder at ...434...
Fri Jan 5 16:35:15 CET 2018
A question that pops up in my mind is: is there a mapping of all
physical memory inside the kernels supported by Genode (and for which
kernel is this true, besides Linux)?
One of the things mentioned in the paper:
> We focus on addresses that are mapped within the at-
> tacker’s process, i.e., the user-accessible user space ad-
> dresses as well as the user-inaccessible kernel space ad-
> dresses. Note that attacks targeting code that is executed
> within the context (i.e., address space) of another process
> are possible [19], but out of scope in this work, since all
> physical memory (including the memory of other pro-
> cesses) can be read through the kernel address space any-
> way.
In other words, is it possible for the meltdown attack on genode to leak
memory of other user-level components?
Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,
Boris Mulder
Cyber Security Labs B.V. | Gooimeer 6-31 | 1411 DD Naarden | The Netherlands
+31 35 631 3253 (office)
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