Predefined window position

Alexander Senier alex at ...331...
Tue Sep 5 15:04:44 CEST 2017

Hi all,

I want to set a fixed position for windows on startup. My scenario uses the floating_window_layouter just like run/mixer_gui_qt_test. According
to gems/src/app/floating_window_layouter/README, this should be as easy as adding a policy line to the layouters config. In the
mixer_gui_qt_test I added:

    <start name="layouter">
        <binary name="floating_window_layouter"/>
        <resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
            <policy label_prefix="mixer_gui_qt" xpos="300" ypos="300"/>

Unexpectedly, when I run it the window is created as position (0,0). What's the right way to set the position of a window?

Also, I was wondering whether there is a way to set the dimension of a Qt window without changing the application?



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