Reg: muen building errors

Adrian-Ken Rueegsegger ken at ...309...
Wed May 17 14:54:06 CEST 2017


See my comments inline.

On 05/17/2017 11:34 AM, S.SIVAREDDY wrote:
> Hi christian.helmuth,
>   I was building the muen for windows7 os as per this link(
> But while running the following command to build the muen below errors came.
> /home/ubuntu/genode/build/muen $ make run/log
> then the kernle/build.log following errors came.


> object directory "/home/ubuntu/genode/build/muen/kernel/muen/contrib/gnatcoll/tmp/gnatcoll/src/obj/readline/static" created for project gnatcoll_readline
> library directory "/home/ubuntu/genode/build/muen/kernel/muen/contrib/gnatcoll/tmp/gnatcoll/src/lib/readline/static" created for project gnatcoll_readline
> gcc-4.6 -c -O2 -gnatn -gnatwaCJ gnatcoll-readline.adb
> gcc-4.6 -c -O2 -gnatn -gnatwaCJ gnatcoll-sql-sqlite-builder.adb
> aspect identifier expected
> missing ";"
> "with" can only appear in context clause
>    compilation of gnatcoll-sql-sqlite-builder.adb failed
> gprbuild: *** compilation phase failed
> make[7]: *** [build_library_type/static] Error 4
> make[6]: *** [/home/ubuntu/genode/build/muen/kernel/muen/contrib/gnatcoll/tmp/.gnatcoll-build] Error 2
> make[5]: *** [build_recipes] Error 1
> make[4]: *** [contrib] Error 2

It looks like your host compiler is being used for compilation of Muen.
Please make sure that you have install the GNAT toolchain and adjusted
the --image-muen-gnat and --image-muen-spark RUN_OPT parameters in the
build.conf file accordingly:

# Directory, where the GNAT toolchain is installed
RUN_OPT += --image-muen-gnat-path /opt/gnat

# Directory, where the SPARK toolchain is installed
RUN_OPT += --image-muen-spark-path /opt/spark

The "base-hw on Muen tutorial" provides some more information which may
be helpful [1].

Hope this helps.


[1] -

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