Query regarding extracting instruction which caused a data-abort exception

rijurekha at ...71... rijurekha at ...71...
Thu Jun 22 19:02:22 CEST 2017

Thanks a lot Stefan! base-hw/src/core/spec/arm_v7/trustzone/kernel/vm.cc
and base-hw/src/core/spec/arm_v7/trustzone/mode_transition.s makes the
memory sharing and register read/write between vmm and vm clearer.

Further doubts:
(1)We put three print statements:
(a) In os/src/server/tz_vmm/spec/imx53/main.cc,
Signal s = _sig_rcv.wait_for_signal()

(b) In base-hw/src/core/spec/arm_v7/trustzone/kernel/vm.cc,
mtc()->switch_to(reinterpret_cast<Cpu::Context*>(_state), cpu,

printf1 prints once. printf2 prints multiple times, followed by printf3
(we make uart secure in csu_config.h, so we hit printf3 followed by the
register dumps). Why do we switch from secure to normal world so many
times (indicated by multiple printf2), while _sig_rcv.wait_for_signal()?
What causes a switch back from normal to secure, before the UART related

(2) Every time we switch from secure to normal world, .macro
_secure_to_nonsecure does
mov   lr, #13
mcr   p15, 0, lr, c1, c1, 0  /* enable EA, FIQ, and NS bit in SCTRL  */
So a csu based uart abort in normal world is expected to trap to monitor?
Are you saying this behavior is something peripheral/vendor specific?

(3) We suspect that the csu based uart abort doesn't trap to monitor
handler. If it came to the handler with a DABT excpetion, DFAR would be
copied to r3 and saved in the memory shared with _state at
.macro _nonsecure_to_secure
In that case _state->dfar would give the same value, with and without the
explicit read in base-hw/src/core/spec/arm_v7/trustzone/kernel/vm.cc
case Genode::Cpu_state::DATA_ABORT:
		state->dfar = Cpu::Dfar::read();
But we see without this read, _state->dfar prints all zeros, and with this
read it gives a uart address. So dfar is not saved in the monitor handler,
and therefore no other register would be saved. Is this understanding

(4) What does Signal s = _sig_rcv.wait_for_signal(); do in
os/src/server/tz_vmm/spec/imx53/main.cc? If the uart abort doesn't trap to
the monitor, what raises the signal so that we come to this main.cc and
execute the subsequent code like _handle_vm() that calls _vm->dump()? Is
vmm doing some sort of polling to check cpu exception states in normal

(5) If abort doesn't trap to monitor, then only dfar and dfsr will hold
the normal world relevant values, as that was the last abort? The other
registers will be over-written, as normal world continued to execute,
until vmm polled it? So emulating the abort causing instruction in secure
world looks infeasible?

(6) Is there a way to print something from
base-hw/src/core/spec/arm_v7/trustzone/mode_transition.s? Most of the
actions happen here, but we are not able to trace when those macros are

Thanks for your constant assistance.


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