Microkernels / Component-based OSes devroom - Call for Participation

Josef Söntgen josef.soentgen at ...1...
Mon Oct 17 14:01:35 CEST 2016

FOSDEM 2017 - Microkernels / Component-based OSes devroom

The developers of several free and open-source microkernel-based
operating systems will meet at FOSDEM 2017 [1] in Brussels, Belgium
and will share a developer room on Saturday of February 04, 2017 [2].
The devroom is currently looking for content in the form of talks and 
activities related to the area of microkernel-based operating systems.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to: 

 * Introduction of a specific OS or framework
 * Design of subsystems and the general architecture of an OS
 * Enabling support for hardware (architectures, device drivers)
 * Used languages and tools
 * Maintainance and testing
 * Security and robustness
 * Trends and challenges
 * Use cases, experiences, lessons learned and demos

Please use the Pentabarf [3] system to submit your proposals and file it
under the track “Microkernels and Component-based OS”. You do not need
to create a new account if you already have one. When in doubt, please
use the devroom mailing list [4]. If you do not want to give a talk
yourself, you may still send suggestions for what else you would like to
see, or do in the devroom. Please send your suggestions to the mailing
list. The deadline for your proposal is on December the 4th.

Make sure to include the following in your proposal:

 * Title of your talk (will be printed in the FOSDEM booklet)
 * Your full name (will be printed in the FOSDEM booklet)
 * A short abstract (one or two paragraphs)
 * Duration of your talk (please, at least 25 and no longer than 45 min)

The official devroom schedule (along with the accepted talks) will be
announced on December the 11th on the devroom's mailing list and the 
speakers will be notified via e-mail. The schedule will also be published
on the FOSDEM website.


FOSDEM is a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the 
widespread use of free and open source software. Taking place in the 
beautiful city of Brussels (Belgium), FOSDEM is widely recognised as the 
best such conference in Europe. FOSDEM covers a wide spectrum of free
and open source software projects, and offers a platform for people to
collaborate. To this end, FOSDEM has set up developer rooms (devrooms)
with network/internet connectivity and projectors where teams can meet
and showcase their projects. Devrooms are a place for teams to discuss,
hack and publicly present latest directions, lightning talks, news and 
discussions. Besides developer rooms, FOSDEM also offers main tracks,
lightning talks, certification exams and project stands. Every year,
FOSDEM hosts more than 5000 developers at the ULB Solbosch campus.
Participation and attendance is totally free, though the organisers
gratefully accept donations and sponsorship. No registration necessary.

About the devroom

Since the first Microkernel devroom in 2012 this devroom has been part of
each following FOSDEM. By now it has become a somewhat institutionalized
tradition for the micro kernel community to meet there; to this date over
a dozen projects have participated in one way or another. Each of the 
projects face similar challenges but come up with partially differend
solutions. Therefore, the goal of the Microkernel devroom is to bring the 
various projects together, let them exchange ideas, cross-pollinate and 

Social events

It also has become a habit that the microkernel projects dine together
somewhere in downtown Brussels after the devroom closes. The year 2017
will not be any different, so there is going to be a microkernel family
dinner on Saturday night. The exact location and time will be specified
later. Consult the FOSDEM web and other projects for additional social
events such as the famous FOSDEM-organized Friday Beer Event and the 
FOSDEM-arranged free sightseeing tours for spouses.

Important dates recap

* 04.12.2016: Deadline for submissions
* 11.12.2016: Schedule published and speakers notified of acceptance
* 04.02.2017: The devroom takes places


[1] http://fosdem.org/
[2] https://fosdem.org/2017/practical/transportation/
[3] https://fosdem.org/submit
[4] https://lists.fosdem.org/listinfo/microkernel-devroom

See you all at FOSDEM!

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