x86 Genode missing modules

Nobody III hungryninja101 at ...9...
Wed May 18 02:16:37 CEST 2016

Which run script are you using? Unless you are using one of the noux
scripts, you shouldn't expect a command prompt.
On May 17, 2016 11:28 AM, "Chris Rothrock" <cgrothrock at ...9...> wrote:

> I have built Genode with the Nova microkernel and am able to get my grub2
> to boot to the build, however it appears that there are two modules missing
> from the compile I was able to build - bootloader and pci_drv.  Without
> these modules, the hypervisor boots but gets hung at displaying the
> processor information, never a command prompt.  Is there something in the
> compile I need to set to get these two modules to compile with the rest of
> Genode?
> --
> Thanks,
> Chris
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