About Genode

Pramod Herath pramoduh at ...9...
Fri Feb 26 00:00:15 CET 2016

Thank you for your reply.


On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:04 AM, Stefan Kalkowski <
stefan.kalkowski at ...1...> wrote:

> Hi Pramod,
> welcome to the list!
> On 02/25/2016 04:41 AM, Pramod Herath wrote:
> > Hello Genode Community!
> >
> > I'm Pramod, a student in Computer Engineering. As a project assignment,
> we
> > were asked to search for new developments in software/hardware used for
> > embedded applications and do a presentation on it to the class. I was
> > searching for a topic when I stumbled upon Genode.
> >
> > I read through some of the documentation and I think I do understand a
> > little bit. But I still have some confusion about it. Therefore I decided
> > to contact you for help. Here are few questions I have to raise:
> >
> > Genode is an OS framework. It is not an OS on it's own accord but could
> > just supply a bare minimum kernel functionality for some OS you would
> > develop. Am I correct here? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far
> as I
> > understood, other microkernels such as L4 do a similar thing. How is
> Genode
> > different?
> Well, that is not fully appropriate. Although, Genode claims to be no
> OS, but an OS framework, it provides much more than a L4-like kernel
> API. "Genode is no OS" means it is not an Ubuntu-like or Windows-like
> OS, or special-purpose network router OS, Android OS, but it is a box
> full of components (like Lego bricks) that can be combined to form all
> of these kinds of "special purpose" OSes for Desktop PCs, embedded
> devices, or servers.
> So it aims to build the foundation for different flavors of Genode OSes.
> Thereby it makes also use of a lot of existing open-source software
> (among others: different L4-like kernels), but it defines how these
> software components interact, their dependencies and trust-relations
> etc.. In contrast to past microkernel research Genode focuses not solely
> on the kernel component, but concerns the userland too.
> >
> > Also, can you run a mainstream OS such as Ubuntu on top of Genode with or
> > without modifications ?
> You can run an unmodified version of Ubuntu using hardware
> virtualization support and a virtual-machine-monitor implementation like
> VirtualBox directly on top of Genode. Moreover, you can use different,
> simple Unix applications directly on top of Genode using the noux (unix
> like environment) server.
> >
> > Genode can also run virtually on top of another OS and the developers run
> > it this way for development purposes. Is this correct?
> Of course it can run inside a virtual environment, but what you are
> refering to is Genode's port to Linux I assume. As already mentioned,
> Genode comprises a bunch of components including more than one kernel.
> Currently, Genode supports about 8 different kernels. Most of them are
> microkernels in the tradition of L4, like NOVA, Fiasco.OC and sel4. But
> it also runs directly on top of the Linux kernel, which was targeted to
> ease development of new components, as most developers worked on top of
> Linux until now.
> >
> > And the most importantly, what tasks Genode good for ? And what is it not
> > suitable for?
> The aim of Genode is to build a very flexible foundation that enables
> all different kinds of computing. Of course, its origins are clearly
> security focussed, and we aim to build a system architecture always with
> security in mind. But we always try to think of very different use-cases
> and environments. That's why our experiments, example scenarios and
> hardware platforms varied in the past.
> >
> > Please understand that I'm just starting on learning OSes. So please bear
> > with my dumb questions.
> I hope I could partly clarify your questions. Feel free to ask further
> questions on the mailing-list. But before, I recommend warmly to you to
> look into the Genode foundation book, as it explains your questions in
> more detail:
>   http://genode.org/documentation/genode-foundations-15-05.pdf
> Best Regards
> Stefan
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Regards,
> > Pramod
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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> --
> Stefan Kalkowski
> Genode Labs
> http://www.genode-labs.com/ ยท http://genode.org/
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