Porting applications strategy

Nobody III hungryninja101 at ...9...
Tue Feb 16 07:05:31 CET 2016

I don't know exactly how to best port a program or library to Genode, so I
don't really have the best answer, but I suggest that you look at the
makefiles in libports. You can also look at the ones in ports, but the
noux-pkg makefiles won't be particularly helpful, except when porting
utilities to noux. The makefiles don't all list the source files
On Feb 15, 2016 3:00 PM, "Tomasz Gajewski" <tomga at ...300...> wrote:

> I made an attempt to port libunistring (needed for guile) trying to
> follow porting guide. I didn't go far but feel that what I've done did
> not go in the right direction  and would like to ask for opinions about
> my feelings.
> Short story
> I would like to be able to do:
> ./configure --host=genode-x86 && make
> Longer story
> List of compiled sources in libunistring depends on results of running
> configure and there is more than 500 source files. Even if I would
> prepare list of files to compile probably it would be different in next
> revision so it would have to be at least updated during upgrade. I feel
> it would be waste of resources.
> >From different perspective as on of the goals of Genode for this year is
> to have more software packages ported I think the procedure to port
> should be as straightforward as possible. Probably most of the ported
> software will be based on libc (I think that packages that will not be
> linked against libc mostly will constitute base of genode not userspace
> programs) and to be able to quickly port libc based libraries and
> applications build system should not replaced but reused.
> My feeling is that current Genode build system is great for Genode
> specific components but for porting general purpose requires too much
> maintenance.
> I don't know detailes underneath current makefiles based build system
> but I imagine steps to compile using configure could look somehow like
> this:
> 1. Prepare spec with dependencies containing libc - just like it is
>    right now
> 2. make deps - build dependencies and install headers somewhere - this
>    is probably done right now in current build system
> 3. Run configure in this prepared environment. Running it without
>    prepared environment fails when testing if genode-x86-gcc can create
>    binaries - so quite quickly :-)
> 4. make - real porting work - hopefully not much
> 5. make install - to some prepared place?
> 6. from installed files take headers in case of libraries and binaries -
>    this somehow works right now
> Firstly I'd like to hear what you think about the idea in
> general.
> Eventually could you provide some technical informations where are the
> most important parts of build system where I should look to be able to
> make such changes?
> --
> Tomasz Gajewski
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