Turmvilla scenario keyboard input stuck in a subsystem

Duss Pirmin pirmin at ...321...
Sun Feb 14 08:33:18 CET 2016

Hi Norman

Quoting Norman Feske <norman.feske at ...1...>:

> As a workaround - just to regain control over the situation - my
> turmvilla branch has the commit "nitpicker: hack to reset key_cnt via
> F9". Each time when releasing F9, the key_cnt is hard reseted to zero.
> However, this is of course just a messy workaround until we find the
> actual problem.

I will try this the next time I encounter the Problem.

> Just out of curiosity, are you using a USB or PS/2 keyboard?

This happens with the integrated Keyboard of my lenovo X201.
It's possible, that this is connected as a HID via USB.

Best regards Pirmin

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