Genode/NOVA+Multiple VMMs Seoul / VBox

Roger Ferreira rogerdff at ...16...
Sat Sep 19 03:27:44 CEST 2015

Hi Alex,
I did follow and tested the image case.
I am using nova_x86_32.
I works on QEMU alone.
Unfortunately, with Genode-Seoul-QEMU, script, it boots but after a while Loading Extensions..., a memory problem appears:[cli_monitor -> seoul-img -> seoul] Uncaught exception of type 'N6Genode9Allocator130Out_of_memoryE´ (use ´c++filt -t´ to demangle)[cli_monitor -> seoul-img -> seoul]  abort called - thread: ´vCPU dispatcher´
Subject: Re: Genode/NOVA+Multiple VMMs Seoul / VBox
To: genode-main at
From: alexander.boettcher at ...1...
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2015 14:02:07 +0200

On 13.09.2015 21:10, Roger Ferreira wrote:
> The only difference is that I managed to reduce the image now down to 89M.
> Nevertheless, I appreciate the help and apologize for any inconvenience. 
> I get the following error on QEMU window:
> sudo qemu-system-i386 -kernel vmlinuz -append "quiet" -initrd tc-dds.gzFailed to execute /init (error -28)Kernel panic - not syncing: No working init found.
Make sure to use some "-m" option with Qemu, otherwise your VM only sees
128M RAM by default - which is far to less. Something like "-m 256"
should do in your case.
I played a bit around and found now a workflow to build a customized
Tinycore based VM image which boots up nicely in Seoul on native
hardware as Qemu(if you patient enough).
I updated my branch with necessary fixes [0] and attached the howto to
this mail.

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