Problem running the demo

João Rocheteau Ramos rostou_di_mighty at ...16...
Thu Sep 10 21:04:18 CEST 2015

I do plan to work with the TrustZone and ultimately run code in a secure world.
Currently I use the i.MX53 QSB connected to my laptop via and USB <->RS232 adapter, for debug.
So, in order to properly run Genode on the board as host is it enough to proceed with building the toolchain with the board as the target?
If I were to use a PC , with Linux, as host, how would I then be able to bring the i.MX53 QSB into this?
No problem Christian, I'm sorry if I just can't explain well enough the real problem here, I'm a bit lost will all of this, since I just started working with this board.
Thank you for your pacience so far!

Best Regards,João Ramos

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