Turmvilla scenario

Alexander Boettcher alexander.boettcher at ...1...
Thu Oct 22 11:44:57 CEST 2015

On 21.10.2015 13:08, Vincent Digital wrote:
> Hi, Alex,
> Thanks. I've updated the Turmvilla - Nova as 64bit and now I could start
> the Noux subsystem.
> i'm still facing hang issue in starting up the Linux subsystem.
> This time I could capture the Logs from the /shared/log file.
> A few questions :
> 1. For the wifi configuration, I've tried to configure it from within Noux
> under the /config/wlan_configuration.

Check that your wifi driver sees some accesspoints:

cat /reports/wlan_accesspoints

Edit /config/wlan_configuration accordingly, e.g.

<selected_accesspoint ssid="foobar" protection="WPA-PSK"

If all goes well, a

cat /reports/wlan_state

should produce something like:


 <accesspoint ssid="foobar" bssid="01:02:03:04:05:06" quality="70"
protection="WPA-PSK" state="connected"/>

> 2 . For the Linux subsystem, from the /shared/log file, it seems to
> indicate some issues with the virtualbox configuration. Writing to
> non-existent port. Any advise on how to move on.

The "non-existent port" messages are more or less for
developing/debugging - on current master we disabled them already since
they are annoying [0]. However, obviously something in your VM is
running and probes several I/O ports.

The log actually looks good. Which 32bit Linux-distribution you are
using as VM ?




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