Doubts when preparing WebToolkit's port file

Jamey Sharp jamey at ...343...
Mon Nov 16 17:48:33 CET 2015


On Nov 15, 2015 9:29 PM, "Reinier Millo Sánchez" <rmillo at ...210...> wrote:
>> find . -name "*.C" -exec rename 's/\.C$/.cpp/' '{}' \;
> I have tried something like this on the port file:
>> CMD := `find . -name "*.C" -exec rename 's/\.C$/.cpp/' '{}' \;`
>> default:
>>     ${CMD}

I'm not sure if this is the (only) issue, but the back-quotes look fishy to
me. Does this fix your issue?

CMD := find . -name "*.C" -exec rename 's/\.C$/.cpp/' '{}' \;

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