Debugging Genode applications on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit

Menno Valkema menno.genode at ...9...
Thu Dec 10 10:09:44 CET 2015

Hi Everyone,

While developing applications for Genode I sometimes run into bugs and
issues where a debugger would be of great help to figure out what I'm
doing wrong. Reading Genode Foundations section 4.7.2 the GDB monitor
approach seems to be exactly what I'm looking for.

So when I try the gdb_monitor build-process as described at I get the
following error message:

$ make app/gdb_monitor
checking library dependencies...
Library-description file is missing

Digging a little deeper it seems I do have this file, however it's not
available for my platform (Ubuntu Linux 14.04 64bit). Searching the web
for this issue I find a post from May 2014
( which seems
to be the issue I'm running into. The proposed solution is to use 32bit

What I could do is setup a VM with 32bit Linux and do my debugging here.
However I prefer doing my debugging at my workstation natively without
switching to a VM whenever I run into an issue.

So I wondered whether there is any way to do my gdb debugging on a 64bit
workstation. Did I miss a source which explains how to do things on a
64bit system? Is a gdb_monitor for 64bit Linux on it's way? Would there
be any way to use the gdb-monitor for 32bit Linux on my 64bit system? Is
there another system in place for 64bit debugging?

Any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards, Menno
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