Develop TrustZone for iMX6

bharath bharathkr.bojja at ...9...
Tue Apr 28 13:26:16 CEST 2015

> Hi Bharath, Stefan

> Although Stefan is absolutely right, I'd like to suggest you to NOT
> modify the "RUN_OPT = --target uboot" lines to "RUN_OPT += --target
> uboot" but to remove them from your build.conf. The "--target uboot"
> would be ignored by the run tools anyway and this way you keep your
> build.conf content less irritating.

> Cheers,
> Martin

Hi Martin and Stefen,

Now I tried RUN_OPT += --target uboot. It worked. But image.elf is created in 
build_sabrelite_tz/var/run/tz_vmm_mx6/ folder. Can I directly dump to the 
SDCard or should I need to convert to a binary?


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