Current Genode Status

Stefan Kalkowski stefan.kalkowski at ...1...
Tue Oct 21 11:05:24 CEST 2014


On 10/20/2014 07:16 PM, Nobody III wrote:
> Is it currently possible to compile programs to run on Genode inside
> Genode (by using noux gcc, perhaps)?

Yes it is, you might check the example run scripts
noux_tool_chain* in 'repos/ports/run/'.

> Also, is there a run script that includes everything you've already
> compiled, or at least one that includes noux and arora?

Well that would go beyond the scope of the run scripts, as there are too
much components, especially bigger components like arora, virtualbox,
etc. Moreover, Genode provides several components that are bound to a
specific platform, like for instance L4Linux for the Fiasco.OC kernel.

What you're looking for is a binary distribution for Genode components,
which is absolutely desirable, but not available yet.

A run-script that includes arora as well as some noux programs isn't
available in the repositories, but can be easily done by combining
existent example run-scripts, like for instance start with combining:





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Stefan Kalkowski
Genode Labs ยท

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