Mhamad Hmad mhh.it1986 at ...9...
Mon May 26 13:50:47 CEST 2014

i will try explain what i want and what i did and then what i am facing,
What i am trying to do :

       - using only one LWIP (tcp-ip) stack
       - the communication with lwip will be by using RPC calls.
       - the system should be multi-threading and serve many process in the
same           time

What I  did,

      -  I created the client - server for the RPC which invoke the lwip
methods. I will          use the server only .
      - I created the libc_rpc_lwip plugin which is similar to libc_lwip .
         in libc_rpc_lwip  i have an aobject of the Connection to call the
      - Since i want only one stack in the i did not initialize the lwip
from the                    constrcutre of the plugin  that is mean :
PDBG("using the RPC lwIP libc plugin\n");
//rpcclient.r_lwip_tcpip_init();  this is commented
        and i made the initiation in the RPC server  and i used static IP
for now ( I            don't want to handle the  libc_lwip_nic_dhcp right
       and this is the main method in the RPC server

       int main(void)
 Cap_connection cap;

 static Sliced_heap sliced_heap(env()->ram_session(),

PDBG("lwip init has been started.");
enum { BUF_SIZE = Nic::Packet_allocator::DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE * 128
lwip_nic_init(inet_addr(""), inet_addr(""),
   inet_addr(""), BUF_SIZE, BUF_SIZE);
 PDBG("gotting ip is done.");

enum { STACK_SIZE = 7096 };
static Rpc_entrypoint ep(&cap, STACK_SIZE, "rpclwip_ep");

static rpclwipsession::Root_component rpclwip_root(&ep, &sliced_heap);

/* We are done with this and only act upon client requests now. */

return 0;

     - for testing i  am using simple echo server  and make it  configure
it  to use             the libc_rpc_lwip insread of libc_lwip  and i was
succeeded .

What I am Facing:

    - when i tried to run more then one echo server ( in different port)
,the lwip is
      not working will and what i found that when the tow echo server try
to accept
      connection the first one will block the other. and it means that lwip
is not multi       threading any more.
   Is the RPC prevent the lwip multi-threading or I am doing some thing
wrong .
   I maنe my problem easy to be understood, if not just ask me to clarify.

Thank you in advance

*Mohammad *
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